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Odoo 15 Manufacturing and Quality

What's new about Odoo 15 Production and Quality Apps?
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Odoo Manufacturing

Odoo's production app has already been thoroughly overhauled in previous versions. So, in version 15 there are only a few new improvements. 

New dashboard for production analytics

A new production dashboard has been added. This gives you direct insight into different units of measurement of your production process.

Odoo - New production analytics dashboard

Only use variants with certain components by-product 

It was already possible to use some components of a bill of materials only with a certain variant. This is now also adjustable for by-products and the operations of a bill of materials.

Odoo - Use variants only on certain by-product components

Analytic Accounting

Analytic accounts have been added for manufacturing orders. Entries are made for:

  • raw material costs (change in consumption)
  • workshop costs (change with actual duration on work order)

Odoo - Production Cost Centers

Cost breakdown by-products

Support has been added for costing of by-products. The value of the by-product can now be calculated as a percentage of the total cost of production.

Odoo - BOM cost breakdown

Odoo 15 Mass Manufacturing Serial Number Registration

If you produce multiple products in one production order and the products all have a unique serial number, Odoo 15 has a new option to make that easier. When producing more than 1 piece, click on mass production, and you can generate all serial numbers at once or paste a series in the pop-up.

Odoo - Mass production serial number registration

Master Production Schedule(MPS)

On the MPS you can now also see the demand for a certain product in the previous year and the year before.

Odoo Hoofdproductieschema

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Odoo Quality

There are now two useful improvements for the employee who does quality checks on the production process:

Quality points per product category

Quality points can now also be set for an entire product category instead of for a group of individual products.

Odoo - Quality points by product category

Odoo Work orders for quality checks

For a quality point, you can now create work orders that the employees have to fill in when performing a quality check. The work order is completely free to draw up.

Odoo - Work Orders for Quality Controls

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Odoo 15 Manufacturing and Quality
Erwin van der Ploeg October 5, 2021
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