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Odoo 15 Website Builder

What's new in the Odoo 15 Website Builder?
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Odoo Website

With Odoo you can build fantastic websites by dragging building blocks yourself. You can also easily launch your webshop. Odoo 15 brings many new possibilities to the Odoo website builder. Odoo version 15 will be launched on the Odoo Experience on October 6, 2021. 

The Odoo Experts have taken a closer look at version 15 and listed all changes and new functionalities. Here is the complete overview of the Odoo 15 website builder.

Add your own custom code via a new building block

You can now insert your code into the website via a new building block.

Odoo - Building block for custom code

Improved search functionality for the entire website

Where in previous versions the search function was limited to searching for products, you can now search through the entire website with a new 'Search' building block.

Odoo - Search results display

New building blocks for receiving donations

You can now create and process donations via the Odoo website. Two new building blocks have been added for this purpose.

Screen for making donations

Hiding information on mobile view

Do you want to hide some information on the mobile view (because it looks better or would take a long time to load)? Now you have the option to indicate this per building block.

Option to hide content from mobile

Add shapes to images

Are your images a bit boring and do you want to make them more alive? Now you can apply shapes to your images with a click.

Odoo - Give shapes to images

Added templates for the Masonry building block

A whole range of templates is added to the Masonry building block to choose from. This way, you can quickly create a unique style.

Odoo - Using Masonry templates

Add color gradients

Where previously you could only add a fixed color, you can now use gradients as a background color, building block filters or text effects.
 Odoo - Set color gradients

New mega menu templates

An entirely new mega menu has been implemented. You can select from multiple templates to create a super cool menu.

Odoo - New mega menu templates

An improved contact page

De contactpagina had een vrij vaste opmaak. Deze is nu geheel bewerkbaar.

Google Maps

Het toevoegen van een Google Maps kaart kan een technisch klusje zijn. Odoo maakt dat nu eenvoudig. Je kunt de kaart van het adres van je bedrijf zonder configuratie toevoegen.

Support for Google Analytics 4

Virtual page views and ecommerce transactions are now tracked with gtags. The e-commerce data format has been updated to match the new GA4 format.

Improved SEO, no more trailing slashes!

Op crawling-engine/SEO-niveau verandert het hebben van al dan niet slashes in URL's niets, maar het moet wel consequent. Nu voegt Odoo 15 geen trailing slashes meer toe aan de URL's.

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Odoo Ecommerce webshop

No complicated links with another e-commerce package, but a direct, real-time, linked webshop in Odoo. Sell online and offline, and you are completelyomnichannel.

Many improvements have also been made in Odoo version 15, of which we provide an overview here.

As you are used to from us, you will find a complete overview of all improvements and new possibilities here.

Add products in the wishlist to the comparison view

You can now compare products that you have added to the wish list.

Compare wish list products

Now sell products in all possible units of measurement, such as kg, liter, meter.

But what about selling prices in m2, as is very common in the flooring industry? The price per m2 and the price per package are now displayed.

Product prices in multiple units of measure

A price filter has been added to the webshop (price slider)

It took a while, and other programs had it longer. But now you can also search for products based on a from and to price in Odoo 15.

Product prices filter (price slider)

Dynamic product building block

Added new building block for displaying recently viewed, recently sold, and newest products.

 Odoo - Dynamic product building block

Last blog posts

New building block added, for displaying blog posts. Now with many more options than before.

Odoo - Latest blog post building block

Hide product attributes

It is possible to hide certain characteristics (attributes).

Support for Mollie

Now process your payments via thepayment provider Mollie. This payment provider is now natively supported by Odoo.

Odoo 15 Website Builder
Erwin van der Ploeg September 14, 2021
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