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Odoo Experts: 10 years of partner for strong leaders

In 2022, Odoo Experts will focus entirely on the implementation of Odoo applications for the 10th consecutive year.

In 2022, for the 10th consecutive year, we have fully focused on the implementation of Odoo applications. We initiate improvements and for the most part take care of the Dutch translation of Odoo. Our work is enriched every day by the companies that we help with great energy and enthusiasm to be successful. It challenges us to pick up good ideas and let others learn from our experiences. Working with strong leaders is the best part of our job.

Why Odoo?

With the applications of Odoo you put together your own software package (ERP, HR, CRM, e-commerce, CMS). A standalone app is not linked but is fully integrated with the same look and feel as all apps. With Odoo you have the best user experience because all functionality is offered in one package.

Why Odoo Experts?

For us, it's all about the people and the business processes in which they work. We understand better than anyone that Odoo is 'just' a tool for them. Of course it is an important tool. Perhaps the most important tool of your company. It is therefore not a cost item but a tool and an investment in your company. Good (professional) software gives employees more options to do the right things faster and better. It brings about improvement.

Some facts

  • 2012 Odoo Experts founded by Erwin van der Ploeg
  • 2012 started with on premise servers.
  • 2014 transition to VPS Hosting servers
  • 2015 Odoo Partner
  • 2016 Odoo Award - Best starting partner EMEA
  • 2017 Odoo Gold Partner
  • 2017 Odoo Award - Best Odoo Translate
  • 2019 completely to in the cloud
  • 2021 100+ projects nationally and internationally +1200 users
  • 2022 A team of 10 consultants, programmers and project leaders
    100+ projects national and international +1200 users
  • 2022 For the second time, odoo Experts wins the award for best translator

The Future of Odoo Experts

Odoo Experts is always looking for customers with strong leadership because a lot changes for an organization when implementing new software (read also: Why is an ERP implementation so difficult). You cannot make all employees happy. Some prefer to work with 1 package for a long time. But if 4 of the 5 departments benefit substantially (doubling in efficiency), as a leader you have to indicate that the balance is pointing in the right direction. We love packers and go-getters. No unnecessary meetings and producing reams of paper. We are happy to put our money where our mouth is: invite us for an enlightening presentation without obligation and then take the decision yourself to determine what we can do for you and your company!

Erwin van der Ploeg

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Odoo Experts: 10 years of partner for strong leaders
Odoo Experts June 8, 2022
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