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Inventory management software​

When choosing inventory management software, it's important to find a system that is both powerful and user-friendly. At Odoo Experts, we offer you access to the most advanced inventory management software on the market. This software, developed by Odoo, enables you to accurately monitor, manage, and optimize your inventory levels, significantly improving your operational efficiency.

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Odoo Email Marketing App Icon

Curious about the power of Odoo? Why not try the demo now: Free, Flexible and Efficient?

Try the Odoo Demo here!

Odoo Experts man wearing a safety helmet in a warehouse.

Purchase high-quality Inventory management software

The purchase of high-quality software from Odoo for inventory management enables you to streamline a wide range of business processes. This ERP-software offers various apps that you can customize to meet the unique needs of your business. Whether you want to set up an e-commerce website or automate your warehouse management, Odoo provides the tools you need. And with the ability to integrate this inventory management software into a website powered by Odoo, we offer you a seamless experience. Our experts are dedicated to helping you explore the possibilities, ensuring you make the most of your inventory management.


50,000+ companies use Odoo!

Contact us and we'll show you what Odoo can do for you.

Explore the possibilities

Are you interested in improving your inventory management with Odoo? contact us to discuss the possibilities. We are ready to advise you on how our inventory management software can help your business grow and operate more efficiently. Discover with us how you can get the most out of your inventory while simultaneously simplifying your business processes.

+31 88 377 4000

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If the answer to your question is not on this page, please contact us.

Yes, you are not dreaming. You pay € 29.90 per user, per month for all apps. The license is billed annually in advance. 

You take out the Odoo subscription with Odoo SA. Odoo Experts will put you in touch and guide you through the purchase process.

The Odoo subscription provides you with access to hundreds of Odoo apps in a scalable cloud infrastructure, including hosting, incremental daily backups on two continents, email integration, top security, 24/7 monitoring, and a control center to manage your Odoo environment.

Odoo SA's service includes unlimited email support, Monday to Friday, 24/5, in English, French, Spanish, and Dutch. Access to Odoo's e-learning platform is also free. Upgrades of the Odoo database are also included, excluding the costs for the work of Odoo Experts.

See detailed terms and conditions of Odoo SA.

What is not included in this plan:

  • Hosting on odoo.sh
  • Implementation services via Odoo Experts
  • Customization costs via Odoo Experts (if applicable)
  • First line support via Odoo Experts
  • Consultancy and Development required for a migration to a new version
  • Credits for In-App Purchases: SMS, autofill contact details, lead generation, AI to scan supplier invoices & expenses 

Odoo Experts wants to provide you with optimal support when using Odoo. We can only do that if Odoo runs on Odoo.sh. Odoo.sh gives us all the tools we need for this. Benefits of Odoo.sh include:

  • Access to Odoo's log, which makes it easier for us to trace issues
  • Easy backup and restore
  • Creating test environments at the touch of a button
  • Use of generic, useful apps from Odoo experts
  • Possibility of customization

Odoo ERP is an open-source Enterprise Resource Planning-software that provides a range of business applications to manage and integrate various business processes. Think of modules for CRM, accounting, inventory management, production, project management and much more.

Why is it important for companies? Well, in today's competitive market, managing several separate systems can be very inefficient. Odoo offers an integrated solution that helps you to make all business processes run more smoothly and efficiently. This not only saves time but often also money, which can be a great benefit for both small and large companies.

Odoo has an open-source version that is indeed free. This version, called Odoo Community, offers a lot of basic functionality that may be sufficient for many small and medium-sized businesses. However, if you need more advanced features, specific modules, or technical support, you might consider upgrading to Odoo Enterprise. This is the paid version and the costs can vary depending on the number of users and the modules you choose. So yes, there is a free version, but depending on your needs, a paid option might be more suitable.

We as Odoo Experts only implement Odoo Enterprise, on Odoo.sh.

Look here for the price of Odoo Enterprise.

Odoo is an open-source business management software that includes various applications and  Odoo Apps offers for various business needs. From customer relationship management (CRM) and e-commerce to accounting, inventory management, and human resources, Odoo has a solution for almost every aspect of your business. The idea is to provide an integrated system that allows you to seamlessly coordinate different departments and processes. This enables you to work more efficiently, save costs, and improve your customer service.

Also read: What is Odoo? 

Odoo is used by a wide range of companies, from small startups to large multinationals. The platform is very versatile, so you can find it in various sectors, such as manufacturing, retail, services, and even non-profit organizations. Because it is modular and customizable, almost any business can design it according to their needs. So whether you are a small business with a few employees or a large enterprise with multiple departments, Odoo likely has solutions that can work for you. 

Take a look at our references

By mid-2024, Odoo had more than 12 million users worldwide. However, this number is constantly changing due to the growing popularity of the software. For the most up-to-date figures, it is best to go directly to the  Odoo-website or official press releases.

Of course, Odoo has a good reputation when it comes to reliability. Many companies, both large and small, rely on this platform for their daily operations. The beauty of it being open-source is that there is a whole community behind it that quickly finds and fixes bugs. Additionally, there are regular updates to keep the software up-to-date and secure.

The security of your data is also something that Odoo pays a lot of attention to. There are several layers of security implemented to ensure that your data is safe.
So yes, overall you can say that Odoo is a reliable platform for your business management.

Also read our blog: How safe is Odoo?

Odoo is popular for various reasons:

  1. Modularity: It offers a wide range of apps and modules that businesses can choose based on their specific needs.
  2. Cost: Odoo has an open-source version that is free to use, making it accessible to smaller businesses on a budget.
  3. Scalability: The platform is designed to easily scale with your business, from startups to large enterprises.
  4. Ease of use: The interface is intuitive and easy to use, which reduces the learning curve.
  5. Flexibility: Being open-source, Odoo can be customized to meet specific business requirements.
  6. Community and Support: There is an active community around Odoo, as well as plenty of tutorials, documentation and third-party apps.
These factors together make Odoo an attractive choice for businesses looking for a versatile and cost-effective ERP solution.

Odoo can truly be a game changer for your business. It ensures that all your different departments, from sales to inventory management, are on one platform. This makes everything much more efficient.
Automation is also a major plus. You can automate many tasks that would normally take a lot of time. This not only saves you time but also reduces the chance of errors.
You also get real-time insight into how your business is performing through dashboards and reports. This allows you to make faster decisions based on current data. What's also great is that you can fully customize Odoo. It is flexible and adaptable, so it can be tailored to your specific business needs. And speaking of customer service: by using the CRM and sales modules, you can manage your customer relationships much more effectively. This can significantly increase customer satisfaction..
Finally, Odoo can also scale as your business grows. So, you don't have to worry about outgrowing it at some point. In short, Odoo can help you streamline your business processes, reduce costs, and increase customer satisfaction.

Odoo's core modules cover a wide range of business applications. Some of the most commonly used modules are:

  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management): For managing customer relationships and sales processes.
  • Inventory Management: To manage product inventory, warehouse locations, and logistics operations.
  • Accounting and Finance: To perform all accounting operations such as general ledger, balance sheet and financial reports.
  • Sales and Purchasing: To manage quotes, orders and invoicing.
  • Project Management: For planning and tracking projects and tasks.
  • Ecommerce: For managing an online store and integration with other modules.
  • HRM (Human Resource Management): For managing employees, salaries, and recruitment.
  • Production: For managing production processes and work orders.
  • Website Builder: For easy creation and management of corporate websites.
  • Marketing Automation: For automating marketing tasks such as email campaigns.
Each Odoo app can be used independently, but they also work seamlessly together for an integrated business solution.

A complete overview of all Odoo apps can be found here.

Odoo ERP is highly scalable, which is one of its strong points. It can be easily adapted to the size and needs of your business. Whether you are a small startup with a handful of employees or a large enterprise with hundreds of employees, Odoo offers the flexibility to grow. You can start with just a few Odoo Apps and add more as your business expands. The open architecture and modularity make it easy to add new features and integrations.

To implement Odoo in your organization, you have several options. You can opt for an in-house implementation, where your own IT team installs and configures the software (although this is not our recommendation). 😉). The best option is to outsource this to a certified Odoo partner (and that's what we are 😉) who has experience with setting up and customizing the system. 

The basic steps are usually::

  1. Analysis: Identify which Odoo Apps you need and what your specific business requirements are.
  2. Installation: Install the core software and the Odoo Apps you have chosen.
  3. Configuration: Set up the software to meet your needs.
  4. Data migration: Move existing company data to Odoo.
  5. Testing: Run tests to make sure everything is working correctly.
  6. Training: Train your employees to use the new system.
  7. Deployment: Launch the system and make it accessible to all users.
By following these steps and applying customization as needed, you can effectively implement Odoo in your organization.

Odoo takes security seriously and has several measures in place to protect users' data. They use up-to-date encryption and other security protocols. Access to data can be restricted and regulated at various levels within the organization. In addition, they also offer options for backups and data recovery. However, as with any software, it is important to practice good security practices yourself, such as using strong passwords and updating the software regularly.

Also read our blog: How safe is Odoo?

Yes, Odoo offers mobile accessibility. You can easily access the web version of Odoo via the browser on your mobile device, and there are also dedicated mobile apps available. These apps are optimized for mobile use and provide many of the core features you would find in the desktop version. This allows you to efficiently manage your business processes on the go.

To use Odoo Enterprise you only pay an amount per user. It is nice to know what is meant by 'user'. A user in Odoo is a person who has access to Odoo. Can anyone log in to Odoo? Then that is a user.

The only exception to this are so-called portal users. A portal user is (often) a customer who accesses the Odoo portal to e.g. orders and invoices. They are therefore not counted as users.

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